Annual Fun Day
Each summer we hold our Annual Fun Day. It is a time of fun for every member of the family. Admission is free, but we usually raise money for a local charity through the stalls, games and other activities. We also have food and refreshments.
Light Party Ball
Our light Party Family Ball is an alternative Halloween party for familys. Children (and adults) get the opportunity to dress up and dance the night away. Along with sweets and games. This is held annually on the 31st of October from 6:00pm-7:30pm. In the churches main hall.
Fireworks Party
Each year on the Saturday nearest to November 5th, we hold our Fireworks and Family night. The evening starts at around 6:00 pm with a fireworks display lasting about 20-30 minutes. Then we open the doors of the church and serve baked potatoes, tea, coffee, and soft drinks. Followed by quiz games in the church.